Category: Money Talk

Welcome to our journey: from getting out of debt after grad school to saving for a house and retirement, I will be talking about money here!

8 years of graduate school and spotty employment has left us with a sizeable amount of debt. Although we lived as frugally as possible, we did not take every shortcut or pinch every penny and those unpinched pennies added up to thousands of dollars.

Please join us as we clean it up and live life to the fullest!

We paid off $25,000 in credit card debt in under two years. Next up, we are paying off student loan debt while saving for a house and retirement.

I will be sharing wins and losses as well as sociological perspectives on consumerism, debt, and debt management. I hope you can pick up some tips and insights, and have a little bit of fun peeking into our lives.

This is the space to talk about debt, saving for big things, budgets, frugality.